Monday, July 25, 2011

A Mother - Wife in Distress

It’s been 4 months going on 5 since I’m becoming a stay-at-home mother again. But this time almost maid-less (read my raging post about my ex maids & driver) AND nanny-less. Kalo soal ngga punya nanny, itu masalah pilihan. Sejak Mella resign aku emang ngga pernah berniat untuk nyari mba baru buat Kukka. Apalagi sejak kejadian-kejadian menyebalkan dengan PRT setelah Mella. Alhamdulillah selama aku masih kuat, ngurus Kukka sendiri aja deh... Lumayan juga jadi turun 6kg tanpa harus bayar jutaan ke tempat fitness :p

Tapi seorang ibu juga manusia. Ada saatnya stress banget ngurus anak sendiri. Apalagi balita, yang katanya emang lagi nempel-nempelnya sama ibunya. Kemana-mana dibuntutin. Literally it’s like being followed by another shadow. Almost like having a tail on my big butt. Mandi ditungguin. Pipis diintip “What are you doing, Bubu?”. Lagi BAB, ditanya-tanya “Are you finished? Are you finished, Bubu?”. Kalo mood lagi bagus, liat mukanya Kukka nongol mendadak di pintu kamar mandi suka bikin ngakak. Tapi kalo lagi bad mood, rasanya kesel banget. Kaya dikejar deadline setiap detik. Aku hilang dari pandangannya sedetik aja, Kukka langsung teriak “Bubuuuu! Where are youuuu?”. Cute, yes. Annoying, also. There are times when I really want to be by myself & just scream outloud. Not forgetting to put a pillow on the mouth before. Unless I want to scare off the neighbors.

And there are also times when I want to be with someone who I can share my feelings with. An adult who can reciprocate by saying soothing, loving & comforting words. Not reasoning with obvious logic that I already know. And that perfect adult would be my husband. Tapi apa daya punya suami yang alhamduilillah sibuknya setengah mati... Yang susah dicurhatin lewat telepon atau BBM karena ngga fokus nanggepinnya. Mau curhat pas dia pulang, kasian juga. Udah sebulan terakhir ini Ica cuma tidur ngga lebih dari 4 jam. Pulang pagi, berangkat beberapa jam kemudian. As a wife, I feel obligated to hear his curhatan rather than me curhat to him. Almost every time we end up discussing his work. It’s good to see him doing his job so passionately & proud about it. So I try to put my sorrow aside.

Things would be okay for awhile. But a little “mistake” by Kukka can tick me off easily. A spilled glass of milk would be totally fine on a good day. But when I’m stressed, I would raise my voice & naturally Kukka would cry. She’s the easiest & weakest target in the house. She becomes the victim of my depression. After that, seeing her teary droopy eyes break my heart & makes me feel really guilty. Which leads to more stress because now I think of myself as a bad mother. This has been going on for weeks. And I know it’s bad. And dangerous. For everybody. To us, Kukka is an almost perfect child. And it will kill me if she turned out to be “imperfect” just because I couldn’t feel content & make peace with myself.

So now here I am sitting in a cafe while Kukka is at school, blogging, drinking coffee, eating cream cheese bagels. All by myself. Trying to figure things out, how to make myself a better person, a better & loving mother & wife. And just now it hit me. I think it’s okay to be pissed sometimes.

Mothers & wives are not some sort of a super human who can be happy, cheerful, perfect & look pretty all the time. Mothers & wives need their husbands & children to comfort them too. Mothers & wives need excitements & kisses & hugs & gentle words whispered in their ears. Mothers & wives need love to give more love.

Because it’s just how a human is.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dear Kukka: Happy 3rd Birthday!

Last night, as I kissed you in your sleep,
I thanked God for giving me the chance to see you growing beautifully & healthy.

Today you turned 3, the magic number in our little family. Such a small number but already have such a big heart. Who would ever believe me that you have a warm shoulder to cry on...

As I kissed you again, this time in tears, I'm begging God to give us more time to be with each other. In every tear drop I whispered "If only I could ask for forever, I would." Then I remembered, your being here with me is already against all the odds, if not nearly impossible.

So, here I firmly say:

Happy birthday, my beloved Little Godsend.

My baby, my angel, my friend.
My unconditional love and neverending prayers are with you.
Forever and always.

Monday, July 04, 2011


Some of you might say “Ya udah lah... Namanya juga orang kampung.” Or something like “Maklum lah, uneducated people. Kalo educated, ngga bakalan jadi pembantu/supir, dll.” Now, that’s where I think you're wrong. Supir orangtuaku juga “orang kampung”. But he’s smart, polite, caring & everything you wish for in a driver. Sementara yang the so called educated, banyak juga yang kurang ajar, ngga sopan, even stupider in some levels. Eh, kenapa jadi ngelantur begini? Tadi mau ngomongin apa ya?

Oh iya! Aku sebel. Sebel sama para mantan pembantu & supir yang seenaknya resign tanpa bilang. I don’t expect a one-month-notice. Cukup sehari sebelumnya ngasih tau bahwa mau berhenti, udah cukup kok. Lah ini? Pembantu terakhir pake janji mau balik tanggal segini, jam segini. Begitu hari H, baru deh SMS yang isinya full of bull crap. Yang lebih spekta, supir kita yang terakhir. Begitu udah ditransfer gajinya, *poof*, he disappeared. Diteleponin, ngga diangkat. Di-SMS sih ngebales. Tapi isinya cuma “Sy brenti kerja bu, maap”.


You know what pisses me off the most about this guy?? Aku masih kepikiran, khawatir, bahwa dia belum sampe di Bintaro, karena ada apa-apa di jalan. Misalnya pas lagi ondewey dia ketabrak, kegiles ato dirampok di jalan kan siapa yang tau?! Ya ngga? I actually worried that his family might not know where he might be either. I called her daughter’s HP, she didn’t answer. Tapi pas di-SMS, ya itu balesannya.


Kalau lagi kaya gini, I wish I was more like Ica. Seringnya mikir yang jelek dulu about other people :D The minute I said that the driver belom dateng, dia udah kepikiran bahwa si supir itu ngabur/berhenti/sejenisnya. Sementara aku masih berusaha keras untuk ngga suudzon. Malah masih mengkhawatirkan keselamatannya. Kaya begini-begini nih yang bikin kapok mau baek sama orang. Terutama sama pembantu, supir dsb. Diperlakukan secara “manusiawi”, malah menzalimi. I practically spoiled them! Katanya kita ngga boleh menzalimi orang susah/miskin. Dosa. Obviously. Nah, kalo mereka yang mengecewakan & menyusahkan kita, gimana? Do I get more pahala out of it?


I’m still so pissed right now. If I made a wish, something like...”may they burn in hell”, is my pahala going to be reduced? :D


Dan PRT yang aku sewa dari Yayasan Citra Kartini di Bintaro, baru kerja 3 hari, kabur dong sore-sore -_-"