Lately I’ve been reconnecting with the past. A particular past, to be exact. I didn’t do it on purpose. It just...”came” to me... Yeah I know... Such convenient timing. At first I was hesitating because I didn’t see any good that could come from it. But then a couple of friends suggested me otherwise.
They said that reconnecting with the past, especially the ones that are worth to embrace, might do me some good. It might help me to face the future. A better and healthy one. A lot of my friends even said that I should do whatever it takes that can make me happy. Whatever. They said I need it AND I deserve it. Haha :) Yes, I have SUCH loving and caring friends.
Life is funny that way. Sometimes you're up, but then you're waaay down. You lose some, you win some. Apparently I've lost a lot memories, good and (fortunately) bad. But then I gain new ones and so far, mostly they are nice ones. I’m surrounded by loving people, you know. And I just realize it... NOW. There are a lot of people from my past who (still) care about me... And surprisingly those from the future, who eventually become my friends now in the present. Some of them I don’t even know personally but I guess I’m that lucky! A lot of people genuinely want me to be healthy and happy.
So that’s what I’m receiving so far. Love and affections. Every day I’m showered with lovely words through phone calls and messages. A simple hallo, invitations to hang out, funny pictures, presents or even love poems and delayed confessions are also among the attentions I’m receiving every day.
Who knew that the ones you used to ignore are going to be the one who “save” you today. And that the ones from your past are going to be the people who give you a better future. Saying that life is totally unpredictable is way underrated.
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Farika sayang...,
Aku turut prihatin atas penyakit yg hrs kamu alami...
Jgn sedih, jgn putus asa ya. Kita ga pernah ngerti apa maksud Allah ngasih kita berbagai hal yg menarik. Mulai dari cinta, materi, suami, anak, org tua yg luar biasa, teman2 yg menyenamgkan... juga segala kesulitan, sedih, kecewa... dan seterusnya...
Diterima aja... jalanin aja... tetap byk bersyukur, bagaimanapun lbh byk hal yg bisa disyukuri daripada disesali...
Nikmati masih ada... banyak... cinta disekitarmu, liebe Farika...
Jangan patah semangat ya...
Aku doakan kamu juga.
Wass wr wb
Waalaikumsalam Wr Wb...
My dearest Mba Maya,
Thank you soooo much for your kind words... You lovely encouragement... That's the kind of love which can make me better for sure :)
Teman-teman seperti Mba Maya yang bisa bikin aku sembuh, insya ALLAH... I'm totally speechless... Cuma bisa ngucapin terima kasih banyak atas doanya Mba Maya... Dan cuma ALLAH yang bisa membalas kebaikan Mba Maya... Aku doain supaya Mba Maya selalu sehat lahir batin dan bahagia ya, Mba...
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