Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Eleven years ago an angel came down to brighten our life up.
Beautiful, caring, funny, mischievous and smart.
All lightness that can make the gloomiest heart instantly bright.
Along with a pack of toughness to make everything just right.
Her curiousity turns every day an adventure.
Lots of questions about this and that.
Loads of opinions about who, why, when, where and what.
One thing is certain because it has always been there and will forever stay.
It's our endless love for this blossoming flower.
Our precious Godsend.
Our Kukka Aiko Farza.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dear Kukka: Live It Loud!


Today you're officially one of Sekolah Alam Tangerang's 6th graders! One of the big kids. 5th grade was quite a ride. It surely did have its ups and downs. Now Bapa and Bubu are looking forward to join the ride with you on the last grade of elementary school. Am I worried? To tell you the truth, yes :)) But I have faith in you. As long as you keep your promise not to be lazy, pay attention and ... Well just read this post again! Dear Kukka: Please Learn Your LessonYou know what things I want to say. Bapa will probably add some more later. In private.

Anyways, being a 6th grader (and tomorrow 11 years old tween, In shã Allãh!!) will have its differences, more or less. Surely you will have more responsibilities, from - at school, surrounding and home. This might sound cliché but just be the best of yourself and show it to everybody that you do enjoy the ride! Ask questions when you have doubts and confusions. Share your happiness and help others who need it. Have lots of friends inside and outside the school and do spend time with them. Be nice and always be polite to your teachers. Be brave and don't be scared to be different. Live the life you're excited about. Have goals and try your best to reach them. 

And baby, remember this. Most importantly you always have me. To get some answers, to share your feelings, to show your excitements or just to be with. No words needed. Ich liebe Dich, Mein Ein und Alles. Good luck and have fun! 

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Doc. Rocksy Menjelaskan:

"..... Semua dicatat. Misal hanya kedip-kedip, hanya gerakan mulut, sempat sampai tidak sadar, sampai terjatuh, kepala kebentur, sampai ngompol. ... Pencetus bisa misal abis marahan, abis makan es krim, ... Rame banget? Oksigen cukup? Karena berisik suara? ...

... Kejang sangat dipicu oleh psikologis. Waktu kita lagi marah, lagi sedih, lagi gelisah, lagi khawatir, bisa muncul. Itu kan areanya di otak deketan. Di EEG jelas nih! Kenanya di temporal nih ya! Temporal tuh ada memori, di situ juga ada bahasa, kemudian deket lagi di situ ada perilaku. Termasuk marah atau sedih atau apa, itu ada di situ. Di Limbic system-nya. 

... Kapan-kapan ajak sahabatnya dong ke sini! Untuk kasus seperti ibu saya memang harus lihat dari kacamata orang lain, bukan cuma kacamata pasien. Jadi apakah ini suatu hal yang justru menunjukkan perbaikan jadi ibu sudah lebih alert, jadi lebih sensitif, jadi lebih bisa membaca suasana, udah ngga terlalu pelupa. Kalau dulu kan yang betul-betul mungkin ngga enak tapi besok-besok lupa ngga enaknya kenapa! Kalau sekarang ngga enak, tetep ngga inget tapi ngerasa tetep ngga enak nih! Atau kedua ini malah tanda ngga bagus nih! Mulai muncul kaya halusinasi. Misal jadi banget curiga. Ini yang kita perlu kacamata orang lain. Mungkin memorinya sudah bisa memilah mana yang benar-benar harus diingat, mana informasi yang ngga penting. 

... Sebagian besar kasus NMDAR Encephalitis Autoimmune ini memang ada underline psikologis. Teratasi justru karena lupanya. Kalau sudah mulai inget-inget lagi, suka meneliti sendiri, mikir sendiri, bikin asumsi sendiri, bisa malah bikin tambah sakit. Campur tangan keluarga harus masuk.  

... Emosi, memori, kejadian berat bisa menjadi underlying-nya. Buat apa mengungkit sesuatu yang bikin luka... Ada pasien saya 14 tahun, kakanya baru meninggal, dia merasa bersalah banget sampai bilang kenapa ngga saya aja yang meninggal, kenapa mesti koko. Jadi bener-bener kejang dan lupa-lupa. Persis kaya ibu. Ngga inget apa-apa. Mereka cari konseling ke pendeta juga. Konseling ke psikolog boleh juga.

... Obat-obat epilepsi biasanya sih tidak merusak sistem pendengaran karena memang untuk pengobatan jangka panjang. 

... Anaknya pinter banget ko! Justru itu bisa mengasah sensitifitasnya. Social skill-nya lebih baik, lebih bisa punya empati. 

... Kiri kenanya. Bahasa. Jadi susah untuk mengungkap kata. Di temporal.

... Coba pakai ini deh! Virgin coconut oil paling baik buat otak. Penelitian terbaru, besar, tahun ini keluar: extra virgin coconut oil ngalahin olive oil. 1 sendok sehari."

Yesterday's check up with dr. Rocksy was...fun! :)) We had a conversation like almost for an hour! I poured my heart out to her, asked her questions which had been bothering my mind and my curiosity for these last 3 months... We basically talked like 2 BFFS. From meals I can cook to important stuff that are secretive to share to anybody but her. All that's missing was cups of coffees and a plate of calamari :)) All in all, waiting for hours in the hospital was totally worthy! dr. Rocksy über alles! :)