Friday, October 20, 2017

The Other Man

As far as my memory goes, there are 2 men in my life who I considered cool. Cool as in how they look, how they behave & of course their personalities. If you’re an avid reader of my blog I bet you know how much I love, admire & adore my Dad :) Now I want to tell you about the second man I admire. It’s my father-in-law. I call him Bapak. 

I’m very certain that I’m not imagining this. Ever since the first time Hubster took me to his house & introduced me to his father, I became a fan of Bapak :)) Why? Well, in my opinion, not only is Bapak a very smart man, he also looks & acts cool. It’s a bit complicated to describe. But I’m sure the minute you meet him, you’ll agree with me. I never feel awkward around him. On the contrary, I like to sit & have conversations with him. It’s not difficult to be at ease around him because he is funny too. And after spending a big family holiday with him last weekend (Oct 13th) it reminds me again how cool my father-in-law is. While the others had their moments together in the living room, Bapak & I had the chance to chat. I can’t really remember how it started but he did ask me about my health & how I am doing so far. Unlike to some people, I told Bapak almost everything :) Not only about my current condition, but also my feelings. How I rather spend time by myself than being in a crowd, that I rather be quiet & to be told to do things & other stuff. Why? 

Because of my forgetfulness, I often ask the same questions again & again & again. Many times I also ask about the things that I should do or not do. Or because of my illness I often make mistakes & make some people around me angry or pissed off. I poured my heart out to Bapak that it actually pisses me off too that some people think I do these mistakes deliberately. Of course I didn’t actually use the word “piss off” in front of him :D I told Bapak that some people do actually think I’m making these stuff up. That I INTENTIONALLY forget some things. Even lying about them! Why? I don’t know. Because some think I’m craving for attention? Now why would I want that when I already know what I’d get? Talking to Bapak about it was the right thing to do. Because he totally understands what I’m going through. It turns out that he also experiences this forget-about-stuff thing... In the middle of our conversation my sister-in-law Mba Dewi came & confirmed the stories about Bapak's forgetfulness. I must say it was a nice and liberating feeling to have something in common with Bapak. I just wish it would've been something good :(


Unknown said...

Apa yg Tante Ita alami, memang juga dialami Bapak akhir2 ini... Bapak memang sedikit banyak sudah agak lupa dengan hal2 yg beberapa kali kita, anak2nya terangkan atau ceritakan... awalnya kami memang agak kesal menghadapi pertanyaan yang berulang2 dari Bapak... tp setelah itu kami mencoba memahami kondisi Bapak... memang sebaiknya kami2 yg lebih sehat ini harus lebih panjang sabarnya dan lebih memahami lagi kondisi beliau... begitu juga dengan kondisi Tante Ita ya... selalu dalam doa Mas Ijul, Bapak dan Tante Ita diberikan kesembuhan dan ingatan yg jelas kembali... terima kasih telah mengingatkan kembali ya... in syaa Allah kedepannya kami akan selalu mengingat kondisi ini

Farika said...

Heheh... Iya makanya pas curhat sama Bapak nyambung banget, Mas Ijul ��
Thank you for understanding. Ditunggu postingannya ��