Thursday, January 31, 2019

Another Session, Another Enlightenment

Yesterday was another session with dr. Rocksy. It was earlier than it should be because I had a series of seizures the day before. Good thing I remembered  when the last time we met, dr. Rocksy told me to go to her before 24 hours passed by so she could take some tests. So there I was, in Siloam Hospital again. I was ready to spend the whole day in the hospital. But it turned out I only had to have an EEG (Electroencephalography). It lasted 30 minutes. I remembered I was quite bored. Then all of a sudden the nurse said gently "Sudah, Bu...". I was like "Huh???" I fell asleep!!! :))) 

Minutes later I met dr. Rocksy again. She held my test result in her hand. I was ready to hear some good news. Was it good??? Weeeeeell :)) It was good because dr. Rocksy finally found where the real problem has been "hiding" all this time.  How could she find it??? Because when I went through the EEG, I had seizures :I Again I was like "HUH??? REALLY???" I thought I fell asleep and even snored! Like always, the way dr. Rocksy explained stuff was very clear, detailed, soothing and somewhat funny. No wonder she's one of the best :) In the middle of the session I even had the time to tell her that I met an old lady in the waiting room, asking me what was wrong with me. I told the old lady about my condition. She told me to get a ruqyah or exorcism. :))) Then dr. Rocksy started to explain everything. And this time thankfully I remembered to record it!!! :)))

Dr. Rocksy and I had a good laugh when she told me to...chill? I poured my heart out on this part. She listened to me attentively. This is why I rather go by myself whenever I see her. I can tell her about whatever I want and I don't get any whys-donts-dos-thisisbecauseyous-etc. What is said in her room, stays in her room. Too bad I can only "hangout" with dr. Rocksy in the hospital room. I bet she's an interesting person to spend time with and to blog about :p

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