July means it's time for another session with my lovely Neurologist. Days before the appointment, I made sure I wrote everything I wanted to say, things to ask and videos I had to show her. Note to self: Don't make any appointments on Monday! The hospital was packed like crazy!!! It looked more like a concert rather than a hospital! And I'm talking about the 5th floor only (Neurology and stuff)! Lucky me I found a comfy chair to sit on and I was able to...observe what was going on in front of me while waiting for my turn to see The Rocksy 🤟🏼
There's this 1 family: 2 elderly, a couple with 2 small children and 3 bigger ones, all girls. I assume the patient was actually the grandma (?) and the rest was just being...there for her? The girls were running around in the waiting room, being loud and all. Until the smallest one was shoved by the bigger one. The little girl fell on the floor and bumped her head on the leg of an iron chair. The bump was pretty loud which means she bumped her head quite bad. I was reading and shocked by the loud sound 😅 I was like "Astaghfirullah!" and instinctively stood up to hold the little girl. Luckily her mom was close by. It took the little girl about 5 seconds to realize the pain and then she went "WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 😭" Her mom immediately hugged her while the rest of the family also tried to comfort her. Leaving the one who shoved her alone on the side. The big girl didn't show any remorse. She looked kinda pissed 😆 Minutes later she frowned, cried loud and hit her mom repeatedly. Feeling guilty? Or scared? Now... While SHE was crying, the one who bumped her head already STOPPED crying and running around happily with the others. Oh god the drama 😂 It was really difficult for me not to laugh. The mom saw it and smiled at me. Good luck mam 😄
Now back to me, the patient. Like always, the second I stepped into her room, my doc smiled widely and "Ibuuuu gimana kabarnya nih?" 😊 And theeeen she saw my left hand, the one I landed on when I had a major seizure:
Dapet dari mana 😄 ... Sekarang yang udah disahkan di Aussie buat jadi medicine. ... Jadi kalau secara kedokteran canabinoids ini satu membantu untuk spastik, spastis itu kaku. Ibu kan ngga ada jadi ngga berguna. Yang kedua membantu pain, nyeri. Di ibu juga ngga ada. Jadi ngga berguna. Untuk pain dimana-mana. Jadi dia relieve dari pain, dari yang tadinya nyeri banget kalo pake ini nyerinya jadi berkurang. Nah yang ketiga memang untuk stress. Mungkin kita pake ini untuk yang ketiga. Tapi ati-ati lho! Ini interaksi sama obat-obat kita! ... 😆😆😆 Kita baca dulu ya bu! Kalo di Australi ... Mereka yang bentuk oilnya, dioles. Tapi ada juga sih yang bisa diminum. ... Kita mau masukin untuk pasien MS. Ngga lulus badan POM. Begitu dibilang isinya canabis langsung ngga boleh. ... Kalau mau dikasih jarak sama obat ibu. Dan ngga boleh lebih dari 2 lho sehari! ... Using canabis together with Keppra might increase side effects such as... ... Karena ibu kan pain ngga, spastik nggak. Lebih karena stressnya aja. Jadi kalo saya sih boleh rekomendasi kalo ibu lagi ngerasa ngga enak... Jika dibutuhkan aja dan kasih jarak ya bu! Minimal 2 jam. Dari Keppra-nya. ... Tegretol-nya... Kalo sama Tegretol ngga terlalu banyak cuma efek obatnya berkurang. Kalah sama canabinoid-nya. ... Yuk kita periksa bu! ...
120/80 ... Mata aman, ngga ada gangguan. Pendengaran. Keseimbangan? ... Yuk kita tes ya! ... Oooh oke! ... Itu tidur malem? Obatnya kita atur ya! ... Kita coba mundurin ya... Keppra 7 pagi, 7 malem ya! Tegretrol 7 pagi, 1 siang, 7 malem. Mudah-mudahan bertahan sampai paginya ngga kejang ya... Kita ketemu lagi bulan 10... ... Saya agak sedikit kleyengan nih... 5 menit, 10 menit. Saya minum Brainact kepala langsung berat. ... Agak dizzy aja rasanya. Kurang balance. Bentar lagi dapet efek relaxnya nih... Udah berapa butir Ibu minum nih? ... Kita hanya konsumsi kalau Ibu lagi mumet banget ya! ... Kafein itu kan stimulan bu... Prinsipnya obat-obat ibu kan memang mempengaruhi zat di otak. Jadi kopi, kafein itu mengaktifkan. Takutnya sama Si Keppra bikin turun jadi...kacau.
Oh gimana soal tangan ya! .... Ini sakit? ... Sakit? ... Coba grab tangan saya sekuat-kuatnya. Jangan boleh lepas. Ngga nyeri? ... Sekarang begini... Lawan saya kuat. Ini juga ngga nyeri? Sekarang lawan saya ya bu ke atas. Lawan. Ngga nyeri? ... Sekarang kebalikannya ke bawah ya! Dorong! Kuat! Nyeri?... Kemungkinan besar sih ngga sampai retak tapi tendonnya kemaren kena nih! Sprained. Sprained itu bisa bikin bengkak juga, nyeri juga. ...
Hah?? Serius?? Tegretol itu sekarang turun harganya! ... Oh yang mahal Keppra-nya... Murahan Siloam lho! ... Sekarang udah ada generik. ... Sebulan dulu aja. ..."
And of course our session always include private matters and ended with a picture together 😊 See you in 3 months doc!
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