YEAY!!!! The pain and the effort of putting on-off those annoying rubbers have finally paid off! NO MORE BRACES!!! CONGRATULATIONS BEBI!! 🥳😘 What a journey! Your cute smile is getting prettier and prettier! Bubu's Bebi 🥰😘😍
Do you remember when Project Kukka Denta started? It was in December, 15th 2021 by drg. Ardiny Andriany, Sp. Ort., at Klinik Denta. And yesterday the dentist took your braces off! So it means that it only took... 8 months for you to have your teeth fixed! 😱
Actually drg. Dini told us that you could take the braces off in August, 1st. But you weren't ready. To tell you the truth nor was I 😄 Because in my mind a person has to wear braces like... Oh I don't know! At least 1,5 - 2 years??? Because in my time (AGES AGO 😂) that's how long it takes to have your teeth perfectly fixed! But apparently not anymore! Thanks to technology! 😆 drg. Dini also told me that your case wasn't complicated. Your teeth and mouth structure are in good shape. They just needed a little bit of work here and there. But then you said "I need more time." I said "Whatever makes you comfortable, baby!" 😘 So after drg. Dini fixed the loose bracket we went home with you still wearing braces.
Buuuut 2 weeks later...mmm...fate interfered? 😆 When you were eating on Monday, August 1st, one of the brackets fell off! 😅 So rather than having it glued again I said "Why don't you get the braces removed for good? The dentist DID say that your teeth are now already perfect." As far as I can remember you didn't even think twice and said yes 😄
So I made an appointment with drg. Dini on Friday, August 12th. It took 3 hours for drg. Dini to work on your teeth. The removing part was actually pretty fast. It was the cleaning and waiting for the retainers to be finished which took a long time. About the retainers... Check this out if you want to know more about it: How Orthodontic Retainers Are Made. Apparently nowadays there's this type of retainer which fits in over your teeth. The retainer looks clear which makes it seems invisible. First thing first: scanning!
For 2 sets of retainers we had to wait for about 45 minutes. After that you had to pay attention to the dentist's instruction and you had to try to put-take off the retainer yourself. It was quite tricky 😅 But it was nothing that you couldn't do 😊 Finally after more than 3 tiring hours at the dentist the session was finished. Before we went home, drg. Dini reminded us:
"Untuk 3 bulan pertama retainer dipakai sepanjang hari, kecuali saat makan, minum selain air putih, dan sikat gigi. Setelah 3 bulan, retainer cukup dipakai saat tidur saja, seumur hidup selama Kukka ingin menjaga posisi gigi sama persis dengan saat braces dilepas."
We thanked drg. Dini for everything and said goodbye. The second you got your braces off I took a picture and sent it to SiBapa. He was very surprised by how fast the whole process was. SiBapa also said that you look different 😊
To celebrate "Copot Braces" the two of us had delicious dinner at your favorite restaurant Popolamama in Aeon. I watched you enjoyed a plate full of garlic bread, a big portion of spaghetti and a big glass of chocolate shake 😄 I was very happy for you because I know how annoying it is to eat if you wear braces. It's like... You can only enjoy 80% of your food. Right?! 😂 Not to mention the effort you need to clean your teeth afterwards! But now not anymore!
Project Kukka Denta is finished! 🥳 Congratulations Bebinya Bubu 😘 Take good care of your teeth and remember: SMILE! 🥰
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