Saturday, June 24, 2023



You're officialy a junior high graduate!!! OH. MY. GOD. πŸ˜±πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΌ 

I'm having super mixed feelings about this πŸ˜… I mean... Oh my god. My Precious Godsend???? My Bebi??? My Über Alles????? You're going to start HIGH SCHOOL THIS YEAR! And the journey it has been to achieve it... Maaaaaan! πŸ˜‚ 

Yeah... Nothing is easy with you eh?! πŸ˜„ What is it then??? Is easy...boring? I mean I asked you about your final karya tulis every day. EVERY. DAY. And you always... ALWAYS gave me πŸ‘πŸΌ I had my doubts like all the time. But I did want you to take care of your own responsibilities and gave you my trust πŸ˜… So I just said "Good. Alhamdulillah." Until...

Miss Ami, your teacher told me that she hadn't received your karya tulis, which is the main requirement to graduate junior high. It turned out you were the only kid in the class who hadn't submit it. THE ONLY ONE!!!! And that wasn't all!!! Miss Ami also said that you hadn't submit the name of your Penguji Eksternal!!!! So not only did you (AND ME!) had to solve the karya tulis problem. WE also had to find somebody, minimum S1 graduate, to be your Penguji Eksternal!!! Oh god!!!! I was furious. Stressed. And everything else. It was also totally predictable! This kind of thing happens all the time!!! I thought I had it covered this year by asking you every day "Tugasnya udah? Is there anything else you have to do? Check! Double check!" But nooo... πŸ˜“  

Lucky us, we're surrounded by kind and highly educated people. So when Miss Ami said that a relative is allowed to be the Penguji Eksternal I immediately thought of our beloved Ua Tanti. And thankfully she said okay! The 2 of you spent the whole evening before the D-Day practicing. Ua Tanti taught you how to present your karya tulis which is called "The Impact Of Insecurities In Teenagers In SMP Pembangunan Jaya"I didn't have to do a thing. I guess she knew that I was already stressed out πŸ˜† So yeah... 

The next day on May 27th we picked up Ua Tanti and went to school. I was excited AND worried. But hey! You presented your karya tulis for about 16 minutes to Ua Tanti, Miss Gita and Bu Ika with full confidence! You understood the topic, you answered their questions without any doubts nor hesitations, you maintained eye contacts,... You, my girl, were great!!! I am so proud of you! 

After the karya tulis drama the entire Class 9 went to Yogya from May 29 - June 2. Not only was I sad for not having you around, I was also worried about 2 announcements: 1. Your junior high graduation. 2. Your acceptance in Hellomotion High School. Ja das war schΓΆn komish... I mean we had to pay for the high school BEFORE we found out whether you graduated or not πŸ˜† 

And on June 8th you and I went to school, together with the other parents and students, waiting for the graduation announcement. Finally around 4pm there it was. I saw you running towards me, with the cellphone on your hand. I still didn't know what to feel or how to react. I still didn't know whether you were going to show me a good or bad news. Something funny and sort of sweet happened when you were running towards me. Your 8th grade teacher, Pak Dedi, raised his hand to give you a high-five but you missed it. Seconds later I assumed you realized that you missed Pak Dedi, you ran back and gave him your high-five 😊 Yes that's you alright. My girl πŸ˜‰ And then there you were... You had tears in your eyes, I had mine. And then you showed me this:

ALHAMDULILLAH! Congratulations mein Schatz πŸ₯° 

Oh my... I'm still have tears in my eyes while typing this! πŸ˜…πŸ₯²

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