Thursday, October 10, 2024

KinoFest 2024 - Festival Film Jerman

It started with me participating a quiz from Goethe Institut Jakarta to win a ticket to Opening Night of KinoFest 2024. The question was very simple: "Dalam ajang Academy Award ke-96, film Das Lehrerzimmer mendapatkan nominasi untuk kategori...?". I was like seriously? 😆 I immediately tweeted the answer and waited. It felt more like a gamble rather than a quiz 🤪 

On Tuesday, the 8th I received a message from Goethe Institut: "Selamat! Kamu terpilih untuk menerima undangan menghadiri pembukaan KinoFest pada Kamis, 10 Oktober 2024. Acara akan dimulai pukul 19:00 WIB di GoetheHaus Jakarta, Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Jakarta Pusat." I was like YEAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I really wanted to watch Das Lehrerzimmer! Alhamdulillah after organizing what had to be organized at home (kiddo, house, Moochi etc) I went to Goethe 🙂

It was my first KinoFest. I didn't know what to expect. It was somewhat...confusing at first. Especially because I was there alone. I didn't know anybody 🤷🏻‍♀️ While the guests I saw came either in couples or groups. But being alone in public has never been a problem for me. So yeah... Alles gut 😀 After a couple of opening speeches the movie finally started.

I enjoyed every minute of Das Lehrerzimmer or The Teacher's Lounge 😉🤩 It's funny, exciting, sad, annoying, felt like a light movie to watch when it actually has heavy subjects... I'm not trying to be a movie critic here but yes! Das Lehrerzimmer is totally worth the hype 😃 The end scene almost made me laugh outloud and scream "ALRIIIIIGHT!" 😂 I don't want to give any spoilers. Because if you do have the opportunity to watch this movie, watch! Best with your kid. Or students! 😃 

Then it was time to enjoy dinner and... Well.. Beer of course 🍺 Unfortunately I didn't spend a long time at the after party. I have a kid at home and it was already pass my bedtime 😆 I told this Goethe guy (Entschuldigung aber I kann Ihre Name nicht erinnern 😅) that tonight's event was great and I wished him/Goethe Haus: Vielen Dank für den schönen Abend. Viel Glück und ich freue mich auf den nächsten KinoFest. PROST! 🍻 

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