Thursday, October 10, 2024

KinoFest 2024 - Festival Film Jerman

It started with me participating a quiz from Goethe Institut Jakarta to win a ticket to Opening Night of KinoFest 2024. The question was very simple: "Dalam ajang Academy Award ke-96, film Das Lehrerzimmer mendapatkan nominasi untuk kategori...?". I was like seriously? πŸ˜† I immediately tweeted the answer and waited. It felt more like a gamble rather than a quiz πŸ€ͺ 

On Tuesday, the 8th I received a message from Goethe Institut: "Selamat! Kamu terpilih untuk menerima undangan menghadiri pembukaan KinoFest pada Kamis, 10 Oktober 2024. Acara akan dimulai pukul 19:00 WIB di GoetheHaus Jakarta, Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Jakarta Pusat." I was like YEAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I really wanted to watch Das Lehrerzimmer! Alhamdulillah after organizing what had to be organized at home (kiddo, house, Moochi etc) I went to Goethe πŸ™‚

It was my first KinoFest. I didn't know what to expect. It was somewhat...confusing at first. Especially because I was there alone. I didn't know anybody 🀷🏻‍♀️ While the guests I saw came either in couples or groups. But being alone in public has never been a problem for me. So yeah... Alles gut πŸ˜€ After a couple of opening speeches the movie finally started.

I enjoyed every minute of Das Lehrerzimmer or The Teacher's Lounge πŸ˜‰πŸ€© It's funny, exciting, sad, annoying, felt like a light movie to watch when it actually has heavy subjects... I'm not trying to be a movie critic here but yes! Das Lehrerzimmer is totally worth the hype πŸ˜ƒ The end scene almost made me laugh outloud and scream "ALRIIIIIGHT!" πŸ˜‚ I don't want to give any spoilers. Because if you do have the opportunity to watch this movie, watch! Best with your kid. Or students! πŸ˜ƒ 

Then it was time to enjoy dinner and... Well.. Beer of course 🍺 Unfortunately I didn't spend a long time at the after party. I have a kid at home and it was already pass my bedtime πŸ˜† I told this Goethe guy (Entschuldigung aber I kann Ihre Name nicht erinnern πŸ˜…) that tonight's event was great and I wished him/Goethe Haus: Vielen Dank fΓΌr den schΓΆnen Abend. Viel GlΓΌck und ich freue mich auf den nΓ€chsten KinoFest. PROST! 🍻 

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Bubu and Kukka at Art Jakarta

It was our first Art Jakarta 2024 and we had a blast! My Precious Godsend and I had another opportunity to see and meet extraordinary artists presenting their masterpieces. Based on our experience from visiting Art Moment, Kukka and I leaved home early because we wanted to arrive at JIEXPO Kemayoran way before opening hour. And again. It was a wise decision. If I remember correctly... πŸ€” It seemed that more visitors were there compared to Art Jakarta... Aaaaand it was kinda... Unorganized? Maybe it's just me... And my girl. But that's how I felt. The traffic inside the hall was confusing. We didn't know where to go or what to see first. We, especially me, were like "Wait! Did we already see this? Or haven't we?" Lucky me, my Precious Godsend always reminded me "We saw this one already. Let's go this way! Bubu, yang itu sudah dilihat. Bubu, don't miss this one!" πŸ˜‚ Many times we did have different interests when I wanted to spend more time admiring 1 particular art while Kukka already wanted to move on to another one. That's one of the reasons why we always have a meeting point. Just in case there's a problem with our cellphones πŸ˜‰

Art Jakarta was full with extraordinary and incredible artworks. Kukka and I were like 2 kids in a giant toy store. I remember how I couldn't stop thinking about the artists behind their masterpieces. To think that there are people who have these kind of talents you know... Unbelievable. I also remember I kept saying to my girl that maybe 1 day her art work will be shown in this kind of exhibition. Who knows right? Amen. 😊

Our visit got even better when I had the chance to have a chat with some of the artists. Great people, great stories, great art. I also have my personal favorites such as:

1. KAPAL TANPA LAUTAN. A collaboration between @mangmoel and @yudisulityoart 😍😍 What can I say about this one other than: BAGUS BANGEEEEEEET!!!! 😱😱😱

2. Alice in Wonderland by @bohemian_27 It's fun, beautiful, interesting, brilliant and everything in between. The objects in the picture were moving for god's sake!! How cool is that!?!?!? Alice, Mad Hatter,... CHESHIRE CAT!!! 😻😻😻 Pinocchio was also there!! Lucky me I also had the opportunity to chat with the brilliant artist himself.  


3. Unfortunately I didn't get the name of this art. But this particular masterpiece reminded me of my everlasting love: Trent Reznor's πŸ˜† - The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails. Those were the series of words that popped up in my head πŸ˜†

4. Skeleton Snoopy. Well... Everybody who knows me well must know that I have a thing for skeletons πŸ˜† So when I came across a giant skeleton Snoopy I was... 😱

5. These are simply adorable I wanted to take the arts and the book home!

6. And these are the rest of my favorites: 

When Kukka and I went home we couldn't stop talking about our favorite art pieces. And of course the best part of the day was to see the excitement I saw in my baby's eyes. The exhausted body and super tired legs were all worthwhile πŸ₯° Until next Art Jakarta ya sayang 😘

Friday, October 04, 2024

Time To Act on Alzheimer, Time To Act on Dementia

When I received a message with this poster from Siloam Hospital I was pretty psyched. Not only because the seminar was related to the brain and memory problems. But the speaker was my doctor, The Rocksy! So hell yeah! I immediately signed up eventhough my condition is not dementia nor Alzheimer πŸ˜„ What I had in mind was "Kapan lagi!?!"

I planned out everything. From asking SiBapa for permission to what time to arrive at the hospital to get the best seat. I'm the kind of person who like to ask questions so yeah... Sitting arrangement is important πŸ˜‹ I left home early because I wanted to grab something to eat somewhere near the hospital. I knew they provided free lunch. But enjoying a meal around PIK sounded more appetizing than eating from a box.

I arrived at the hospital early. The hall was still closed and the event organizer seemed very busy doing this and that. It was already 12pm but the door wasn't open yet. I didn't mind to wait because I brought the new novel I just bought. But minutes later I did start to worry because I didn't see lots of people coming. I mean... I thought the hall was gonna be full you know!?! But what I saw was less than expected. I was like "Huh??? Bener kan seminarnya hari ini??? Tanggal, hari, jam, ngga salah kan??" πŸ˜… I was relieved when the door finally opened. I went immediately inside and sat right in the middle on the second row. I had a perfect angle to see the screen and where The Rocksy would stand. Yet still... There was no guests other than me and maybe 2-3 people 😳 Finally more guests came and had lunch on their chairs. While waiting for the seminar to start I had a chance to observe the attendees. Most of them were... Young. I mean... Possibly younger than me πŸ˜† And they came together in couples or more. I couldn't help not to think who and why they were in the seminar. Are they The Rocksy's patients? Are they here because they wanted to help others? Maybe a friend or their loved ones? Or maybe they attended the seminar just because they're interested in dementia and Alzheimer?

Anyway... I went back to Malibu Rising and then suddenly the woman in front of me said hi and asked questions. It started pretty basic like "Udah lama datangnya? - Kok belum mulai ya udah jam segini? - Sendirian? - Ngga makan?" etc. And theeeeeen she asked "Pasiennya Dr. Rocky? - Sakit apa? - Udah berapa lama berobat di sini? - Dapet obat apa? - Kalo kambuh kaya apa?" and she going on and on and on πŸ˜‚ I did answer some of her questions AND gave hints that I wanted to go back to my novel. But she wouldn't stop talking!!! Aaaaaaaaaand she said "Bentar aku pindah ke situ deh!" Wakwaaaaaaaw! πŸ˜‚ She sat right in front of me! Thank god I put my bag on the chair beside me. Maybe if my bag wasn't there she would sit right next to me. I did answer some of her questions but luckily she was the one who did most of the talking πŸ˜‚ I think in 15 minutes I know more about this woman's life tragedy than my family members' πŸ˜… Thankfully a couple of women came and on the same row. Lucky me the first cici started to talk more to the women who happened to be sisters πŸ˜† She said something like "Ayo cerita ngapain nih ke sini? Ayo sharing!" 🀣 And they did! The sisters told us that they attended the seminar because they were worried of their father's condition 😒 So yeah... I was off the hook until the seminar started 🀣

I was even more relieved when The Rocksy finally came and I watched her getting ready for the presentation. Yet still.. The hall was half empty. There were 2 sides of chairs but only 1 side was full. But I guess it was time to start. The moderator said thank you and so on. He asked us to stand up. "Kita dance dulu supaya semangat! Yang paling ok nanti dapat hadiah!" Oh mein Gott! πŸ˜‚ It was that kepala-pundak-lutut-kaki dance and as predicted I fucked up when the dance got faster. BUT I WON!!!! 🀣 Why???? Moderator: "Ibu yang pakai blazer kuning terlihat paling semangat! Ayo kita tepuk tangan dulu buat ibu!" 🀣🀣🀣🀣 Thank you Siloam Hospital πŸ™‚

Alhamdulillah the seminar finally started. My doctor saw me and we πŸ‘‹πŸΌ at each other excitedly. Kaya ketemu gebetan πŸ˜‚ During her Welcome - Thank You speech there was something she said that made me sad. The Rocksy said something like: "Jujur saya sedih loh... Yang daftar padahal banyak sekali tapi yang datang cuma setengah aula." I don't know about her but I was pissed. I was like "So typical. Daftar aja dulu. Dateng atau ngga liat nanti." πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ So disrespectful. Well. Fuck 'em. Their loss. Right doc?!? πŸ˜‰

The Rocksy started the seminar and it was very interesting. I've been her patient since god knows when. But last Sunday was the first time I attended her seminar. The way The Rocksy explained things, the material on the screen, pretty much everything! Padat, singkat, menarik dan penuh makna πŸ˜ƒ So... Dr. dr. Rocksy Fransisca V Situmeang, Sp. N πŸ˜‰ During those 2,5 hours (?) I listened attentively to pretty much every word she said. Although I knew I would forget about most of it after 2 hours later πŸ˜… While the other attendees took pictures of The Rocksy's presentation, I wrote down the questions I wanted to ask. I mean come on! I bet you can ask for the material probably via e-mail!  But you can't have the master presenting it in your living room. Right? Anyways... It was Q&A time. I immediately raised my hand πŸ˜‚ Surprisingly most of the attendees did have questions. It was... Somewhat...relieving? I mean... When I listened to the questions I was like: Oh I'm not alone... Oh he/she has it worse... Alhamdulillah aku ngga separah itu... And so on... Sad but true. I also shed tears when a woman shared her story and asked about what to do for the rest of her life with that kind of condition 😒 I couldn't help not to think "Ya Allah hidup kok gini amat ya..." 

The gloomy aura of the hall became lively when it was time for The Rocksy to answer questions. We as attendees were enthusiastic to listen to her professional answers and some couldn't wait to pour their feelings out. An embarassing moment happened when my doc mentioned (and pointed at me?) my name while she explained about how important it is to keep you brain busy. It can be as simple as writing a diary. From storing your what-to-do list in your memory instead of saving it on your cellphone to "Main piano tuh kaya Ibu Farika!" Everybody turned their heads on me! Hadeeeeuh πŸ˜… The Rocksy did mention that she watched videos of me playing piano on my instagram. She also explained to me the positive impact of it for the brain during my last check up. But I didn't expect her to say it in front of other people! Kesannya kaya jago padahal amatir pisan 🀣 

And then it was time to end. I was only an attendee but I was pleased to witness the moment when the moderator ACTUALLY had to apologize that the seminar was completed. It means that the attendees including me really enjoyed and captivated by The Rocksy's seminar 😊 Aaaaand it also means that hopefully more people want to learn about dementia and Alzheimer. From what it means to how to deal with them. That it's best to pay more attention to the symptoms rather than ignore them and say "Ya maklumin aja lah kan udah tua!" ..... How dangerous lack of sleep and stress are to your brain. How childhood trauma can come back to haunt you... And that the people who are closest to you can be the one who fuck up your brain. How important it is to get professional help as soon as possible. And many other things.

Because when the damage is done, there's no turning back. There are medications and therapies. But there's no cure. When your brain is hurt, the scar will always be there. Some become even wider and deeper until your brain finally shuts down. Forever.

To dr. Rocksy. Thank you so much for such an interesting seminar. I hope you'll do it more often. And yes! I will definitely be there! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

*Taken Friday, October 4th at Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village Ballroom*

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Fly Away Dear Friend...

Sigh... I have so much to say but I don't know where to start... All I know is that I want to talk about families and friends. About time. About life and regrets.

Yesterday Keke and I visited our dear friend Santy who is currently admitted to the ICU. If I remember correctly this is the second time she's been hospitalized... Keke and I heard the news days before and immediately made a date to go to the hospital together. To tell you the truth I didn't know what to expect. All I could think was what to bring for Santy. And I was also worried that I might meet some friends who I used to know but I don't remember anymore. I just don't want to be rude you know? I can't just shake somebody's hand and say "Sorry aku ngga inget kamu siapa." So I was practically glued on Keke's side and we went to the ICU... And there she was... Our friend Santy. On the bed. With all sorts of tubes attached to her body. It took me less than 5 minutes... I couldn't handle it. I broke down and sobbed on Keke's shoulder. I think at some point I did ask Keke lots of "why"s... Man I'm crying as we speak 😭 I don't know if I can do this... Blog about this correctly... But this is my way to "store" memories... So I'm going to keep trying...

In the ICU room Keke and I stood beside Santy's bed... I held our dear friend's leg carefully and started to recite surahs for a person who is ill. Because that was the only thing I could do for Santy. But then... Her swollen hand caught my eyes and... I just couldn't take it... I turned back to Keke and cried in her arms. Keke tried very hard to calm me down. I said I couldn't stay there and see Santy in that condition. I also didn't want to make her mother even more sad. But I think I did... Because when Santy's mom reached out her hand I saw a couple of old teary eyes... I kissed her hand... I didn't know what to say... "Sabar ya Tante - Semoga Santy cepat sembuh ya - Jangan sedih ya Tante" didn't sound right... But when Santy's mom gently hugged me and said "Doain Santy ya..." I wept. Because those were the same words I said to her... That I will pray for her dear daughter. Keke immediately took me outside the room and we stood there. I cried and cried. And then my teeth started to chatter and my hands were shaking. I had a seizure. I think this BFF of mine started to panic and kept saying "Gimana ini? Dol! Gimana dong? Dol! Aduh!" And then you know what???? I had to calm her down!!!! ME the one who was HAVING the seizure!!! πŸ˜‚ But the more Keke panicked, the more she made me laugh πŸ˜‚ I was like "Ini sahabat kok ya ngga ada gunanya! πŸ˜‚"

Eventually the seizure stopped and Keke took me to this big room where a lot of people were sitting/resting/sleeping on the carpet. It's a place where the patients' families and friends rest without having to leave the hospital. I saw a couple of familiar faces. Santy's husband, Yoga, and her sister, Mba Kiki. I was still shaking a little bit. That's why I think I didn't say much. I'm just glad I had the chance to visit Santy... All I can do for her is send prayers... 

After that Keke and I went back to her office to grab some lunch. The place was packed since well... It was lunch hour. Duh! πŸ€ͺ Thankfully Didi came to the rescue and he managed to find a table for the 3 of us. Lunch with these 2 is always... Fun πŸ˜„ We exchanged stories, some useless yet some were "heavy" πŸ˜† We made each other laugh and oh I don't know... They just sort of saved my day πŸ€— 

I went home with a smile on my face and tears in my heart. All the way home I couldn't stop wondering... Why is it that somebody has to get sick first, or sadly passed away, to have her/his families and friends to get together, spend time, share stories and laughters and, ............................................................................................................................................................

As I was typing the words above, Keke called me at 8:20pm.... Santy just passed away with her family by her side... 😒😒😒
Inna Lillahi Wa Innaa Illaihii Raji'un.

Rest in peace my dear friend... I'm so sorry we didn't spend a lot of time together... In shāʾ Allāh you are now not in pain anymore... Love you San...

*Picture sent today, August 29th by Keke*

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Great Moments At ArtMoments 2024

Another day very well spent together with my baby πŸ₯° Last Saturday Kukka and I visited ArtMoments 2024 at the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel. I've been looking forward to this event since... Oh I don't know! I mean I bought the tickets since June 26th for god's sake! πŸ˜† ArtMoments 2024 is a 3-days art fair, started August 9th - 11th 2024. I knew a lot of people would be interested to come so I bought the tickets as soon as I could. I bought the tickets for the 2nd day of the exhibition on purpose which was on the 10th. My consideration was that I was sure the 1st day would be full because... Well it's the first day. And the last day would be extra full because... Well it's the last day πŸ€ͺ So the 10th would be "safe". And I think I was correct. I picked not only the right date but also the perfect time.

Kukka and I arrived at the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel an hour too early. A decision we didn't regret because we still had time to have lunch in the hotel. And then it was finally time. The ArtMoments 2024.

Inside the Sheraton Grand Jakarta City Hotel ballroom there was another type of cool looking crowd. The artsy crowd πŸ˜‹ I imagined myself taking a stroll in New York or Paris or whatever city which has fashionable people in every corner. Anyway... The minute we stepped our feet in the ballroom I was in awe! A creepy but very awesome installation art by Heri Dono "welcomed" us and I was like... 😳😳😳 I mean just check this out!

I had a brief conversation with Pak Heri Dono and I congratulated him again and again. Thankfully the 3 of us managed to take pictures together before we said goodbye 😊

The awesomeness of ArtMoments 2024 obviously didn't end with Pak Heri Dono. The ballroom was packed with super cool arts and I don't even consider myself as an "artsy" person πŸ˜† I mean... Every time Kukka and I were looking at 1 particular art piece there was always 1 or 2 people who looked very serious and busy observing plus commenting about the piece. For example what the meaning behind a certain flower is or how a stack of purple leaves were made and so on. Well Kukka and I were "just" mesmerized by this painting ↓

I like the painting because it's beautiful and Kukka loves it because it looks delicious. As simple as that πŸ˜„ It turns out this gorgeous painting is about how humans have undesirable cravings. The artist used spoon to make this delicious looking masterpiece. As we moved on Kukka and I were continued to be blown away by the art pieces. There was Jack Sparrow made entirely by strings/threads!!! These are some of my personal favorites:

And then I met Miss Franziska Fennert. I couldn't get my eyes off her art work because it looks...unique. It's called "Piyungan, Flowers of all countries - Unite! Upcycled textiles and plastic stiched on canvas, filled with textiles scraps and rice straw". I could see that there's a story behind it. While I was reading the artist's profile and the description on the wall Miss Franziska Fennert herself came to me and started a conversation. Seconds later I noticed that she's German πŸ˜ƒ Sooooo I answered her questions in German! πŸ˜† Miss Fennert was very surprised and I asked her if it was okay to redo and record our conversation entirely in German. I mean it's been forever since the last time I speak in German WITH an actual DEUTSCHER! πŸ˜‚ So we started over and I made sure that Kukka recorded the whole thing!!! πŸ˜†

Nicht schlecht stimmt's? πŸ˜‚ I mean a Deutscher said that my German is excellent!! πŸ˜‚ It's not!! And what's funny was that it was Miss Fennert herself who struggled to speak in German! She said it's been a long time since the last time she speaks in her mother tongue πŸ˜„ Before we parted our ways Kukka took pictures of the 2 of us. Unfortunately she didn't take any pictures of Miss Fennert's art πŸ˜” But I found it online. Click here The Columns Gallery

As the day went on the more visitors of ArtMoments came and the ballroom was packed. My girl and I were tired and hungry πŸ˜„ Before we decided to leave ArtMoments 2024 both of us made sure that we already saw every single piece of incredible art in the ballroom. Alhamdulillah I think we DID see every thing! Thank god because I almost fainted from hunger! πŸ˜„ 

Kukka and I decided to have an early dinner at Kitchenette Gandaria City Mall. The mall was full because not only it was Saturday night but there was HoYofest 2024! The mall was packed with people dressing up in incredible costumes!!! I was mesmerized by their looks! I couldn't stop thinking about the effort and the amount of time they must have spent to put together those incredibles costumes! Too bad I didn't take pictures with any of them because my daughter was too embarassed to have a mother who would approach a total stranger and asked "Hey! Kostum kamu keren deh! Foto bareng boleh ngga?" πŸ˜‚ So yeah... While Kukka was explaining to me who a particular person in a certain costume was supposed to be, I was 😱🀩😍

After our tummies were full my Precious Godsend and I decided to go home, feeling happy and grateful for the wonderful and very interesting day 😊

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sweet Sixteen

Dear Bebinya Bubu,

There are too many wishes and very long prayers.

Along with overwhelming love and endless affection.

No space is big enough to pour everything out.

All I can do is hug and kiss you and say "I love you."

I never knew this kind of love existed.

Not until 16 years ago.

Oh my how time flies...

Since day one you stole my heart. 

Now you've grown into a beautiful young lady.

With a gentle soul and a strong mind.

Many times I ask myself how can this be?

What did I do right to have been blessed with you in my life? 

Everything that I've prayed you to be and even more.

It's you.

My gorgeous flower.

My beloved angel.

My Precious Godsend.



Be kind, work hard and have fun.

Spread love, stay true and share your pretty smile. 

May your journey ahead be as exciting and spirited as you are.

And always remember that wherever you go and whenever you want, 

Bubu's love for you is here, endless and forever.

πŸ’– I love you πŸ’–

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Super Cuties of Kopi Cat Groovy

Forgive me blogger for I have sinned. I totally forgot blogging about our visit to Kopi Cat Cafe by Groovy Cabang Bintaro! 😱 

It was on a Thursday, June 27th. A perfect destination to spend a very long school holiday! Unlike the previous cat cafes we've visited, first I had to make a reservation. At first I was like huh?? But when we arrived I could totally understand why. It turned out visitors were only allowed to be inside the cafe for 1 hour. The reason is because after every session the cafe will be cleaned, the cats will get some rest and... Well basically after every session the cafe AND the cats will be as good as new. I was like wow! That's great! Not only does the cafe thinks about its cleanliness but also about the cats' wellbeing 😻 

So I picked the date, the time and was very much looking forward to it. When Kukka and I finally arrived I was pretty much surprised! Kopi Cat Cafe by Groovy is clean, well managed and the air smelled fresh! There were only a couple of other visitors. The rest were the cafe people who introduced us to the cats. While we played with the kitties, they explained to us abouth the cats' personalities, perks and all. 

My personal favorites are the black and white colored named Mila, the gorgeous mainecoons Romeo and Bertha, Civod whose name is "inspired" by Covid, Lucy the judes looking munchkin, Casper who has cheeks as chubby as Bubu 😸 Oh god there are too many of them! And they're sooooo cute!!! I swear when it was time for us to go home I was very sad 😿 I still wanted to play and cuddle with those groovy cats. I kept telling Kukka that we should definitely go back and of course, she agreed. So guys! Be ready for another cuddling session with Bubu and Kukka yaaa! 😺